A treasure in the desert

Our site at Nevada Treasure RV Resort and Spa

I have to say the name of this park fits. Here we are in Pahrump NV, which my friend Nancy calls the “arm-pit” of Nevada, in a very nice RV resort, one of the nicest we have been to. When we left California we were looking for somewhere to contemplate our next move. John’s back was bothering him so he wanted somewhere with amenities like a hot tub. I remember this one from Evelyn and Kevin’s blog. Showed it to John and he was sold. It also was in between the two areas we were considering - Zion and Arizona. Well we have already made use of their outdoor hot tub and if the weather gets colder they have one inside in each of the locker rooms in their fitness center. The weather has been beautiful. Sunshine and the high 60’s, low 70’s and NO fog!!
So what’s to do in Pahrump NV? How about some wine? Sounds good to me. Today we visited the Pahrump winery and enjoyed a wonderful tasting and bought a couple bottles of wine - cost a wee bit more than the stuff we have been getting from Trader Joe’s so will save for a special night. Valentine's day is just around the corner. The winery also has a very nice restaurant called Symphony. It has been awhile since we ate in a nice classy restaurant. We(mainly me) decided we should stay for lunch. We have cut back on eating out but it looked really good. We tried to keep it light ordering an appetizer (crab,artichoke and spinach dip)and soup. I had the Lobster bisque a house specialty and John had the french onion, both were excellent. So if you ever visit here I would highly recommend both the winery and the restaurant.
Cheers from Symphony and the Pahrump Valley Winery
So after such a classy place where did we head but Walmart. Back to the real world.
This also is a great stepping off place to visit Death Valley National Park. I think we will head there on Monday. From what I understand this is a great time to visit, the temperature is just right. They are talking a little rain on Monday so may have to be flexible on that. Death Valley is the hottest, driest place in the USA but the way our winter has gone it just seems appropriate for it to rain while we are here. :)
Lastly, I have found a place for us when we leave here. We had many of our friends recommend Tucson and John wants to go somewhere warm and sunny (I think the fog really got to him) so we are off to Tucson. On the Excel owners forum there were many who had been to Justin’s Diamond J RV park in the Tucson area. I called and they said to come as they would have some spaces opening up about that time. She said worse case senario would be one night in overflow parking. This park got pretty good reviews and at a good price as electric is included and not metered as it is many places. We have tried twice now to do at least a month stay and still haven’t made it, Mother Nature just didn’t cooperate so we are hoping we make it a month in Tucson, just ready to slow down for a bit. Well I’m off to read a good book or maybe watch a movie, it is a rough life.(hehe)
The Winery grounds

Vineyard in the desert
Happy Trails...........


  1. We found that winery to be great...especially because we stayed in the RV Park adjacent to the winery and only had to walk or wobble back to our rig.

    You both looked as if you are having as much fun as we had. We enjoyed our time there and do not consider Pahrump to be anything else but a nice place to visit.

  2. French onion soup and that crab dip sounds delicious. Did you find any shrimp for the flaming to eat? :)

  3. So glad you found such a nice place to "perch". Enjoy!

  4. Looks like a great place with a lot of nice amenities. Glad to hear things are working out for you and hopefully you've found a good place in AZ for awhile. Travel safe!

  5. Looks like another great place! I could use some heat about now.

  6. Terri and John PratherJanuary 30, 2011 at 10:20 AM

    Currently, there are a number of us Excelers here in the park. It is a very nice park although there is no pool or hot tub. Lots to see and do here in Tucson. We look forward to meeting you.


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