Captain’s Log: Fred’s (no longer) riding Fred

Some of you may have suspected that naming our hitch hiking snake Fred was inspired by the Rodney Carrington song “Fred’s riding Fred”, and you would be correct. You can find several versions of the song on Youtube. It would make more sense if our truck was named Fred. Which it could be, since I don’t know what the truck’s name was. At any rate, we’ve had some inquiries about the snake and it’s been long enough since the last time we’ve seen him to say that Fred’s no longer riding Fred. Not sure where he went, but I’m glad he’s gone.


  1. Just found your blog and it is really great... We are also fulltimers and enjoying the life. Come on by and visit and perhap we'll meet on the road someday. I have added you to my favorites because I love your blog.
    Have fun & Travel safe

  2. Well hopefully Freddie the freeloader has found a new place to call home. Happy Trails and good ridance!

  3. i am sure he or she just slithered away...


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