Starting Week 3 & Mandatory Overtime

Just a short update. We are going into our third week and our first week with mandatory overtime. That means a 50 hour week! I’m not sure I am ready for this but bring it on. It is getting a little easier, my feet don’t hurt now until the last hour or so of the shift. My back is giving me a little trouble but time will tell on that. We have seen several people quit. Some were unhappy with the jobs they were given (told they we have a different job before they came), some have found it just too physically taxing, and some were frustrated because outside of work there is very little to do in Coffeyville. While it is very physical we were told that before coming by the recruiter so I do feel we were warned about that and make no mistake it is a lot of walking and standing for long hours. Yes, there is very little to do in Coffeyville but we are so exhausted, doing nothing on our days off is all right with us. So we are hanging in there till the end (Dec. 23). This job is definitely not for everyone but for seasonal work it pays very well and that is what we were looking for, two weeks down and six to go. I think it will make us appreciate the rest of the winter even more.
On a more fun note, we went to a local bar/restaurant, Jack’s, for dinner last night with Kevin and Evelyn. The food was good and the company great. It has been fun to get to know them better. We went back to their place and learned a new card game “Wizard” and played Sequence. We hashed over work, learning about each other’s jobs (they are packers) and laughed over all the crazy things people buy from Amazon. It was a nice way to spend out evening off. 
No photos today but not much to take photos of around here. I am going to try and post once a week at least while we are here but we will see how much energy I have after working 50 hours a week. I’m also trying to keep up reading all the blogs of my friends but somedays I only get to a few. On my days off I try to get caught back up so if you don’t hear much from me know that I am thinking of you all and checking in when I can.
Happy trails.....................................


  1. You certainly have more stamina than I. Rest those feet and your back on your few days off.

  2. Ya I don't think I would like working that many hours either... but glad you're enjoying it! We love playing Sequence but haven't played it in a long time.
    Have fun

  3. WOW! My feet would never make it. So good for you. I'm sure this is a great experience especially meeting other people. When you know there is an end coming up it can make the time go faster (maybe), stay positive.

  4. We think of you too! With not much to do, you won't spend to much extra during these weeks and the bank account will be fatter! We met K&E, they seem very nice. Say hi!


  5. Oh my, a 50 hour mandatory work week...your feet sure will be some tired puppies. Take good care of yourself.

  6. OMG, mandatory overtime already! We will be anxious to hear how you both handle the 50 hour workweeks. Only 6 more weeks to go, then an entire winter of relaxation! Take care you two. We are thinking of you both. Terry & Lu

  7. Glad you are hanging in there. The nice thing about this job is that you know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's only for a select period of time and then it's done, not like a regular job that just goes on and on.

    We enjoy playing Sequence too! Glad you are having a good time with Kevin and Evelyn.

    Kevin and Ruth

  8. You'd think that with all the unemployment Amazon would be able to find more workers without having to resort to mandatory overtime - or, is that the problem?

  9. I really don't think I could handle the regular hours, let alone overtime. That fat check would be nice though.

  10. We are watching and pulling for you. Waiting for more up dates.


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