A Wind Blown Day

Elephant Butte Reservoir

Not much new here at Elephant Butte except for the wind. We knew this was coming and it is March so we expect some windy days. The trailer’s been rockin’ since late yesterday afternoon, but it’s supposed to quiet down a little tonight. I am glad we are as far south as we are. Northern New Mexico has a winter storm warning and is expecting snow. I do worry a little since we have reservations at the Grand Canyon the last week in March. I hope the weather doesn’t mess that up too much. On a brighter note we’ve decided to stay here another week and I actually decided to book one of the reserved sites. They really have nice views and even with the reservation fee are very affordable. So after walking around the two reservable loops we picked #22 and will move to that site on Sunday. We will need to dump our tanks anyway so moving sites won’t be anymore inconvenient than if we left and moved on. After that we will have a week to make our way to the Grand Canyon.
One thing we have been doing since we are here is getting our workouts in. Recently I got a new android phone and thought I’d share some of the technology out there that I use to help me know how I am doing. When I leave the trailer to run I take the following equipment with me: a polar heart rate monitor and my phone.
Polar heart rate monitor belt and receiver, and android phone with Endomondo app
The polar heart rate monitor has a band that goes around your chest and a watch that is the receiver on your wrist. The one I use is the basic one, but there are versions that do all kinds of wonderful things. This one keeps track of my heart rate and allows me to set a training zone. It also records my average heart rate and max heart rate for my workout. I chose to use a monitor when I decided to do interval training. This is actually a simple program where you alternate slower and faster paces and is a way to push yourself. There is a lot of evidence that this style of training boosts your metabolism more than just long slow distance running. I actually do both. 
I take my android phone for two functions. One is an app I have called Endomondo that can track my run distance with GPS and keeps track of my speed and time. I like that when I get to a mile it gives my split time (the time it took for that mile). Since we are constantly changing locations it helps me map a workout in the area I am in. The campground loop here is .85 miles around, where when I was at Kerrville it was only .36 mi. around. My phone also has a timer I use for my intervals that is easy to read and helps me keep the intervals going.
Getting in shape and staying that way is a constant battle. Luckily I do enjoy running most of the time. Like anyone, there are days I just don’t want to do it but I have tried to keep my eye on the prize. I think the frustrating part for me is putting it all together: the aerobics, resistance training,  and the diet.  Right now I am doing pretty well with both the running and resistance workouts but my diet still needs a lot of work. I’ve never figured out why bad habits are so easy to get into and goods ones so difficult. 
I know many of you may not be interested in this stuff but since I am stuck inside I thought I’d share some of this stuff for those who might doing some of the same things.
Happy Trails.............................


  1. We spent the month of March at Elephant Butte a couple of years ago and the wind was amazing. But Jim was usually able to go fishing in the morning before the wind started. We loved it there. Just wish New Mexico wasn't so cold in the winter time.

  2. Our winter weight got packed on..top that with menopause and no exercise, it seems like a losing battle. Can't wait until the weather is better..miss riding the bikes!

    I found the runkeeper app on my android that I use when we're walking or biking..similar I guess.

    Good for you!

  3. Thanks for sharing this info. I'm getting a new phone this spring and am excited to have all the useful apps. My biggest frustration is doing everything "right" and still not losing weight. I think it's an age thing.

    We had two very windy days too. Today is much better.

  4. Habits (especially the bad ones) do die hard, don't they?

  5. Sounds like all of blogville is getting blown away this week - us too!

  6. Good for you with the workout... we keep talking about our good intentions.
    Ya you may be a bit early for the Grand Canyon, but should be enjoyable anyway Im sure.

  7. Isn't technology an amazing thing. We don't have a cell phone so we can't do all the GPS stuff but I would like to get a pedometer that will tell you the distance (not actually but close enough). We love to get our excerise in too. We don't really have a problem with the diet stuff because we just don't buy the bad stuff that way we don't have the tempation to eat it.

    Kevin and Ruth

  8. you are an inspiration! Lee and I went for a walk around the park yesterday and I was proud of us. Of course all the rain we've had hasn't helped with the motivation. Keep it up!


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