Back Home??

Bridge on the trail at Morgan Creek
Our intention when we set out on Sunday was to drive to a reservoir north of DesMoines IA, the Saylorville Reservoir and stay there for maybe 3 days to a week but that was not to be. The traffic wasn’t bad as it was Mother’s day but to Des Moines is about 5+ hours. We got there just fine only to find out they only had one non-reservable site left. We checked that out but it had a low hanging branch that made it unusable. I didn’t make reservations because I really thought this early in the season there would be spots available after the weekend groups started leaving.  I usually always have a plan B but I was so certain it wouldn’t be a problem that I skipped plan B. Murphy’s law at work. We decided to drive on to Cedar Rapids and the county parks there, another 2+ hours away. I did text my friend Trudy and they checked Morgan Creek Campground near them and said there were plenty of spots open so it was back on the road. It turned out fine but that was a very long driving day, maybe the longest we’ve done and not the way we like to travel.
Prescribed prairie burn last year here at Morgan Creek
One of the benefits of doing this was I to to see my son Mitch on Mother’s Day and that was a great present. I also got to see Trudy and her family which also made my day. I’ve really missed Trudy and this week will start out summer of weekly coffee dates at Paneras. Yeah!!!!
When we are here it is a little like coming home, or maybe a lot like coming home. I lived in CR from 1981-2010 and John from 1975-2010. This is where we met, got married and raised our boys. I don’t miss the house and all that comes with it but I do miss the people and being in a familiar place sometimes. Its not like I am ready to move back but it is a nice feeling to come home for awhile. We will be moving back and forth between the 2 county parks and also go down to the Coralville Reservoir for about 10 days. Our oldest son, Gabe gets married on July 28th and we will be basically in this area until the week after that. 
I always find it a little harder to blog when we are in the same place, particularly here for a long time but lately I have been thinking of some things that I’d like to blog about and maybe we will even get John on doing some “Captain’s logs”. Whenever you see that in the title know that John is the author. I keep encouraging him to write, he’s a lot funnier than I am and a better writer (when available, he is my editor). Dixie and Dan were trying to encourage him too so I am hoping that their voice added to mine may get him motivated. 
Happy Trails..............................


  1. Welcome home! So glad you got to see Mitch on Mother's Day.

  2. Since being on the road, I've found that fourteen days is about my limit in one place. Which works out nicely, since fourteen days on government is about our limit. :D

    Never been to Iowa, but I heard someone say something good about it once.


  3. Wow. Is that normal for Saylorville?

  4. Glad to hear you had a nice Mother's Day with family members.

    I'll be watching for the 'Captain's Logs' over the next few months.

  5. We too are headed 'home' where we will park it for a few months and then head out in the fall. I look forward to John's writing...wish I could talk Lee into it!! Enjoy the family and friends!


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