Quick update

I know I haven't blogged in awhile so I thought I'd give you a quick update. We are in a countdown mode to my son's wedding this Saturday.  We have lists of things to do and wrote out a schedule to help us keep it straight. It got a little crazier today as Melissa's (the bride) grandmother was taken to the hospital last night and is undergoing some tests which is extra stress for the family. We have lots of family and friends helping out so I told them to remember this will come off as planned. 

We moved from the Morgan Creek park today and tried to get a spot at the park where the wedding will be but the site we wanted was taken and we tried another but the sites are so un-level that we gave up and moved to Squaw Creek where we usually stay. It isn't that far from the wedding venue so it will still work. I did the driving again today and I feel a little more comfortable with it. One thing we have found is that it goes smoother with me parking. I think its because John knows what he wants me to do and is able to direct me better than I direct him. Once we are out on the road again I think we will try to share part of the driving. It will be good for both of us. I thought John would be really nervous with me in the driver's seat but he's doing well that way. I'm impressedwith his calmness.

We will have one more week here after the wedding, I sure hope this heat breaks soon too. Hit 100 today here but suppose to start cooling down on Wednesday. That will be good for the wedding, no air conditioning at a park.

Hope everyone is trying to stay cool out there.

Happy Trails..............


  1. an exciting and stressful time, enjoy the wedding!

  2. Understand all the insanity of getting ready for the wedding. Our son was married in June and it was 100 that day. Hope all is well with grandma. The wedding will be wonderful. Take time to enjoy this very special day.

  3. It's a pretty exciting and stressful time for sure but these things always seem to have a way of taking care of themselves.

    Hope you get time to relax and enjoy everything.

  4. Have a wonderful weekend! Hope grandma is okay. Can't wait to see pictures.


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