Happy Anniversary Honey!

Though this is a few days late, I wanted to commemorate John and my wedding anniversary.  This year we celebrate 29 years of marriage and 3 years on the road. Our anniversary is September 1st and on our about that date three years ago we left on this incredible journey. I wouldn’t change one minute.  We have a pretty crazy story. We met the first weekend of March in 1984 at a going away party for a mutual friend. Another friend of mine, Penny, actually wanted me to meet his friend Joe but John arrived first and sat down next to me. There was something there from the very start. I’m not sure either one of us could tell you exactly what it was but we both knew this was something different than what we had experienced before. The last weekend of April 1984, about 8 weeks later, we were engaged. We married on September 1st, about 6 months from the time we met. People often ask how we knew that this would work and I don’t think either of us has a real answer for that, we just knew it was right for us. So 29 years, two kids, one grandchild and 30,000 miles down the road we still know that this is how it should be. 
There is a song by Clint Black that is one of my favorites and I feel best describes how we feel about each other and our marriage. I found it on YouTube as a video that a fella had posted for his wife. In this case it is from me dedicated to John, the man who has made my journey so amazing. Honey, here is to the next 29 years!

Happy Trails........................


  1. Lol...our story is very similar and around the same time. We are also at 29 years married! Our anniversary was May 12 though. We met in 1983 and were married in 1984.

    Happy anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  3. Congrats... and hope to cross paths with you two some day...

  4. Congrats on your wedding anniversary. I'm not sure which is the bigger achievement - 29 years of marriage or surviving 3 years on the road together in an RV!!

  5. Congratulations! Hope you two enjoy many more happy years and miles together.

  6. That's a terrific love story! Happy anniversary :)

  7. How Great! We just know when it is right... we know that well, we didn't even wait 6 months! what took you so long? :)
    Happy Anniversary and Happy Anniversary!

  8. Like you, we were engaged 6 months then were married on September 15, 1984. We'll be 29 years too. We are looking forward to heading out FT next June. Maybe we'll see you along the way. Happy Anniversary!


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