Officially retired!

The weekend was busy and very fun. Friday I joined John at Rockwell for the open house at work. They really do a nice job with decorations, cake and refreshments and a couple hours that lets people who are still working stop by. I am so glad that I went. Just like John I was able to see many who he worked with in the past that we have had very little chance to see over the last few years. Also I got to hear a barber shop quartet of fellow Rockwell Collins engineers seranade him with "Bye Bye my Rockwell Buddy", it was awesome. One of the quartet members is a fellow John has known for many years. Thanks to Dale Penner and his fellow quartet members.

Then it was on to the party! It was an absolutely beautiful day. Gabe and Mitch were there to help put it all together and grill the brats. We had so many friends come out to wish us well and several real surprises. John had two very special surprises. The first were two couples who came a very long way to share his day. Dixie and Dan Schmatz came all the way from Colorado and Judy and Al Boldra from Nebraska. They all remember him from the days he went by "Doc" and Doc was mighty pleased to see his old friends. So here is a photo with Doc and his friends.

John's brother from St. Louis and his Aunt Doris and her daughter Wendy also came to help us celebrate.

Janie & Mary
I also had a couple special guests. My very good friend Mary came from Minnesota, she has 3 busy girls at home and I was so excited to have her here. Mary, Trudy (my very close girlfriend here) and I spent a good deal of time over the weekend solving the worlds problems (not) and just laughing.
Janie & Trudy

A group of my former students also came and that meant a lot to me. Kari and her friend Joe came early on and then at the end of the evening Dana, Alicia, Allison, Michelle, Pam, and Jodi came too.

I wish I had a photo of each and everyone who came to wish us well. All these people have made our lives richer . We have been blessed in our lives and the time we have lived and worked in this area. Thank you all for joining us and sharing our joy in moving onto a new adventure in our lives.


  1. That is so nice for you..what a terrific send off! Memories you'll have forever.


  2. Congratulations...your new life begins!

  3. Congrads on the RETIREMENT!!!!!

    I will never forget when I retired and it took me a couple of weeks to get use to it.

    Stay Safe

  4. Congratulations on the retirement! Enjoy your new life of freedom.


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