What we will miss

John and I have been talking lately about what we will miss and what we won't miss when we leave Cedar Rapids. I've decided to do this in two post. So first what we will miss....

People: it almost goes without saying, it is our friends and family that we will miss the most. After all these years (35 for John and about 30 for me) we have been blessed with many wonderful friends. I also have a brother and his wife, a nephew and his wife, and my oldest son in Cedar Rapids. So hands down these people are what have made our lives here so good and we will truly miss them.

Doctors and dentist. Even though we have been fairly healthy, they have been there when we needed them. Our primary care physician and  several specialists along the way. We have had excellent care. We still plan on seeing them each year for  our physicals and check ups but now we will have to do things differently if we get ill out on the road and that is a little scary. The goal is to stay so healthy that we only need them for preventive care but we also know how unpredictable life can be.

We will miss how familiar the city is. We know the city and can find what we need when we need it. rarely do we need a GPS here. I think the GPS will get a lot more use once we leave.

The Roughriders hockey team. Many of you don't know but for 8 years we housed hockey players for this developmental team. We have made close relationships with  several young men and gotten to watch them as they progressed through Division I college hockey and even into professional ranks. We also have made great friends with their families, relationships that will be with us for a lifetime. Also Coach Mark Carlson will be missed by us. He is a man that we admire and count ourselves lucky to have known. We will keep up with his teams on the internet but it won't be the same.

Cedar Rapids Kernels baseball will also be missed. Don't know anyone on these teams but we  have spent many a summer night watching this A minor league team (affiliate of the Angels). We enjoy a good game and one of the things on our list to do is to watch for other minor league teams and visit different stadiums in our travels. There is nothing like a brat, beer, warm summer night and baseball. In fact I think we may go see a game tonight!

Favorite restaurants will be missed. Hacienda Las Glorias has great food and the best margaritas we have ever had.  The Starlight lounge is the home of the Superburger, nothing fancy here but definitely the best greasy burger around. Tomasos Pizza, again the ambience is low rent but the pizza particularly the Mambo Combo is the best. Other favs are the Thai Moon, Zepplins, Granite City & Biaggis. There are others that have come and gone but these are our current favorites.

Lastly we will miss our co-workers. Though I don't think we will miss working that much we will miss the people that made it enjoyable.

Yes we will miss this place and are blessed to have been here for awhile but we think we will enjoy other areas just as much and it is time to discover this wonderful country we are a part of.


  1. I think the same thing at times. What will I miss? I'm glad for memories, Skype, and e-mail, blogs, that will keep everything at hands reach. Can't wait to read part II :)

  2. You can always "go home again", for a visit that is. When you need your friend and family fix you can stay in your old hometown for a couple of weeks when you visit your doctors. Some things from our past years in Tumwater are lost to us, but the things we are able to experience living on the road more than make up for it. We hope to never go back on a permanent basis until we are too old to drive an RV.


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