Fall and Winter Plans

View from our patio side

We have made a couple decisions this week about our fall/winter plans. John decided we should investigate doing seasonal work for Amazon. Several times the ad has come across our paths through Workamper News and RV friends we met last fall (Eveyln and Kevin of Chronicles of Kevilyn) had signed up to work for them.  He had me email them and ask a few questions. It is a lot of work, 40-50 hour weeks. They pay your campground fees and pay you for the work so with both of us working we could make a good amount in short period of time. So we contacted them, made the application, and had a phone interview. We are now scheduled to start November 6th at their Coffeyville, KS warehouse and will work until December 23rd.
What really prompted this move is John’s desire to do a solar upgrade to our rig. Financially it just made more sense to earn the money for this then to take it out of our savings. It may take a bit to get it done but it would be nice to do this within the next year. John has been doing lots of research and planning. I don’t remember the last time I saw him studying this much. This definitely appeals to the engineer in him, it is fun to see. I watch him read, take measurements, diagram out different possibilities. Go John!
We had also talked about staying on the gulf coast of Texas this winter. I found a place I wanted to try in Port O’Conner TX so I called and made a reservation for the month of January. So November ,December and January are planned out, after that who knows. Next summer we want to be in the Northwest to visit another brother of John’s and see his niece get married. There are lots of places to see between Texas and Washington.
We are still hanging out in Decorah, haven’t done as much as I hoped. John caught a cold and though he is feeling better he isn’t up to a long bike ride yet. Mitch finished up his classes but had some disappointing news today when he didn’t get the job in CR he had hoped for. Once graduation is over he will be spending a lot of time on the job hunt. He does have a couple classes to take this summer so that and the job search should keep him busy.
Happy Trails...................


  1. It will be interesting to hear how the work for Amazon goes next winter. I have heard a number of people have done it, but I never heard about how it went for them.

  2. I feel so much better when I hear of someone else planning way out. I have our parks reserved through the end of July and know what we are doing until Jan. Then its wide open again..well as open as I can be!
    We will be interested in hearing all about the solar panels when you get them!! Sounds exciting. We enjoyed our route from Arizona to Oregon very much.

  3. We have friends who have worked for Amazon for a few years at Christmas time and they really like it. It's hard, hard work - lots of time on your feet and lifting and bending. Very physical. But they are signed up to go back again. I wish Mitch good luck with his job hunting.


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