Time at Pulpit Rock

Our site at Pulpit Rock
This is a creek that feeds into the river on one side of us

We have been here now the better part of a week. We have been coming to this campground for about 3-4 years, with a tent before we had the 5th wheel. It is a beautiful place with lots of green grass that they are constantly mowing and are very protective of it, no parking on driving on or putting carpet on the grass. That’s ok with us as it is a wonderful carpet to walk on! At the beginning of the week we were the only ones in our loop but had several more rigs this weekend. It hasn’t been as busy as it usually is but I think the weather played a big part in that. Tuesday and Wednesday were very hot and humid and then Thursday the temps went back down and the rain came in. It stayed that way on and off until today. Today it is sunshine and in the 60s, a much better day. The weather this week is suppose to be much better. Yeah!!!!

This is the trout stream to the back of our rig. It
divides the park into two sections.
My youngest will graduated from Luther College next Sunday. His last exam is tomorrow. We have seen him a couple times. The first night here. He and friend Kurt (he is from CR too and we have known him since middle school) biked to the campground and shared a couple hours around the campfire. They both said they just needed a little break. Friday we took him to lunch at our favorite bar restaurant, T-Bocks. 
One of the great things about where this campground is located is that we can walk or bike almost everywhere. We have only used the truck twice. We even went grocery shopping at the Oneota Co-op by walking and taking a backpack to get our groceries home. This is a great place to shop for organic fruits and veggies. We are trying to eat better and make smoothies everyday that have both fruits and veggies in them so we go through a lot of them. We buy organic when we can except for the ones that we peel (oranges, bananas and the like) so the coop is great for what we need.
Our loop when we had it to ourselves.

There is more to do here, we aren’t far from the Root River Bike Trail in southern Minnesota and we love riding that trail. The weather is suppose to be good, but John has caught a cold so our biking will depend on how he is feeling. I may be out doing some solo biking and hiking but that’s ok, I just want him to feel better before graduation and I am trying my best not to catch it from him. So far so good. 

Another view of the trout stream
I hope everyone else had a great week, sumer has been slow to come but I’m sure it will get here soon.
Happy Trails............


  1. I'm so glad it's bike season. We're hoping that the weather gets better so we can get out more.

  2. Looks like a beautiful park! Love all that green!Hope John gets better soon and you stay healthy. Enjoy graduation...a very proud moment!

  3. What a beautiful park. Enjoy the graduation, you must be so proud!

  4. Hot and humid, we love the sound of those words. One day me may experience them again. The campground looks beautiful, so nice and green and quiet. I love those kinds of places, especially when you can bike or walk to most of the places that you need to go too.

    Kevin and Ruth


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