The week that flew by.....

Doesn't seems so long ago this was our view from Zion River Resort.

Another week has gone by and I haven’t had the ambition to write. We still have been busy but not quite as busy as last week. On Monday we moved to Squaw Creek the other county park we stay at. After 8 months on the road I have really come to appreciate these parks. The sites are large, all have a level of privacy and the grounds are well kept. Both parks also have excellent bath houses which is good since we are still without hot water. The RV dealer we are taking it to had to wait on the part so instead of getting it taken care of last Monday we will go get it fixed tomorrow. John even called to make sure the part arrived. We have a 10 o’clock appointment tomorrow morning so we will move again, back to Morgan Creek for about a week and a half until we head to Decorah for Mitch’s graduation. 
There was lots of good news this week. Son, Gabe, got a job at Dublin City (a local bar/restaurant) so is once again employed and Mitch had a great phone interview with a company here in Cedar Rapids and now had a face to face interview here on Tuesday.  It will be a quick down and back trip for him but we hope to maybe have some lunch together after the interview. It would be great to have them both employed.
Janie, Brady & John, together again.
The Roughriders Hockey team advanced to the next round in the playoffs and we got to watch game one and two this week. They are playing the team from Green Bay who finished just a couple points behind them in the regular season so they were hard fought games. We lost the first game 3-2 and won the second game 2-1. Now they head to Green Bay for games 3 & 4. If needed a game 5 will be here on May 10th. This year the playoffs really go late and we just realized if they make it to the finals we will be up in Decorah for graduation so now we aren’t sure how many more games we will get to see. For that reason I am glad we returned early and had the chance to watch Brady play. He will always be one of my kids.
I went into work at Kirkwood Community College one day this week also. We have a nice area where the adjunct instructors share an office and I chose Wednesday because I knew no one else would be in that day. I was able to get  things to the printer and revise my syllabus for the new class. They have changed the computer system and website so I also spent some time with tech support figuring out what I need to do, hopefully when I go in this week I will be up and running. I am really looking forward to my class. I still have lots to do. Power points  to update, new quizzes to write, and I want to revamp the midterm. My class only meets for two hours once a week but there is much more to do outside of classroom time. That is something about teaching that I think many people forget about. Usually there are as many hours of work outside classroom time and sometimes more. Once I started teaching it really made me appreciate all those teachers I had and the ones my children had. There is much more to the job than meets the eye.
This next weekend I will become the student again. The Iowa Dental Association is having its yearly meeting that is filled with continuing education classes. I still have quite a few hours to complete for my license renewal. I am hoping to get about 12-14 hours in. We renew for two years and I’m not ready to retire my license yet. Not being here this last year meant not being around for all the classes offered during that time so I’ll cram it all in this weekend. There are several classes that may update some of my info for my class as well.

Like I said last week, being home is really a different pace. I think I will be ready to move on and go back to the slow road. I am starting to look for places for August and looking for some work-camping gigs for winter. We just placed an application for the Aransas Wildlife Refuge in Texas and I am continuing to look for other opportunities. We would like to try the Gulf coast this winter so I am looking in Texas right now. We will see what comes up.
Can you imagine skating like this?
I’ll leave you with a fun photo. At the hockey games there is always entertainment between periods. This photo isn’t the greatest since I took it with my phone but this guy was skating on stilts. Not walking skating. It was pretty amazing.
Happy Trails...............................


  1. Sounds like you are keeping more than busy. Good luck with your class both as the teach and as the student. And I can't skate on my own two feet let alone on stilts.

  2. Family and familiar surroundings are great. But I'm sure you'll be ready to hit the road when the time comes. I'm looking forward to getting back 'home' next November, but I'm already planing our route when we leave in January!! Maybe we'll head toward the Texas coast!

  3. It's amazing how busy we've been since we've been back to Wisconsin. Lots of family obligations and things to get caught up on.

    Good luck to Brady in the play-offs even though they're playing a Wisconsin team :)

    I'm sure your classes will go great, and you'll find a fabulous position for the winter. We've been hired at Amazon. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully, it won't kill us :)

  4. Nice to see good news in there about the boys and their jobs. Hope all goes well for them.

    Hope you were able to get the hot water heater working agian without anymore hassles.

    Life is good!

    Kevin and Ruth


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