Hawks, Hiking and Towns with Strange Names

Straight ahead is the campground

The wide open spaces
I love this park! I think it rates up there as one of my favorites from our year of full time RVing. Went for a long hike on Thursday. I took the trail I mentioned that we biked on and went out about a mile and a half. It was a great day, with a gentle breeze and not too hot. John was back at the trailer getting his workout in so I was off on my own. You can see forever on this trail and what is most impressive is there are no utility poles to break up your view. I took a couple photos of the trail for you to see.

On this walk and a couple others we had a chance to watch these hawks. We aren’t sure but it looks to be a Harris Hawk. Most of the time we have seen them in pairs which fits with this type since they are cooperative hunters. Not completely sure on the ID but never the less they are impressive to watch. We have hawks back in Iowa but most of the time I see them they are planted on a fence post or utility pole. These spent a lot of time soaring and we watched two that were on a hunt.
Yesterday was a grocery day so we headed to Wally world in Truth or Consequences. I chuckle whenever I hear the name of this town. A local church used the saying on their marquee on the way into town. It said “Tell the Truth or bear the Consequences”.  Some towns definitely have interesting names. In Iowa not far of I-80 is a town named What Cheer. I’m sure you have all passed by some towns with interesting names so what is your favorite?
We are headed north to Albuquerque tomorrow. The wind isn’t suppose to pick up until afternoon so we are going to try to get a fairly early start. That is not easy to do for old folks who have become use to sleeping in. I’ve never been a morning person so getting up for commitment is the only time I get up early. Uggh, I’ll have to hear that darned alarm clock tomorrow. This summer if I work in the clinic that alarm is going to be a rude awakening. I know, I can hear the violins playing a woeful tune in the background.
Happy Trails........


  1. There's a huge canyon after you leave TorC headed to ALB and if there is any wind you really need to get across this stretch before it arrives. Even on a non windy day it can be a rough time.

  2. I used to be a morning person, When I was a smoker! Just couldn't wait to get up and out of the house for that first hit.

    I quit ten years ago (this month.) and now I find I'm comfortable sleeping in a little longer. My husband is definitely NOT a morning person. He is quite happy now that he only works part time and doesn't have to be at work until after 10 am or so.

    I wonder how we will be on the road? Will we sleep later and later, or will we be excited to get up and out! We shall see.


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