"New" friends

Cactus finch
Just a short post. Yesterday we drove to Casa Grande to meet a fellow blogger that I have been following for a while. They are parked in Goodyear AZ so this was an in the middle place to meet. I think for me one of the joys of this lifestyle are the people we meet. We meet plenty in the campgrounds and resorts we stay at but also those we have met online through blogs we sometimes get to meet face to face. In the title I put new in quotation marks because though this was our first meeting I felt like I knew Loralie and Lee before this through reading their blog. It makes it easy to sit and chat because we each have some knowledge of the others lives and RVing already makes for a common bond. 
This couple also live in an Excel and have the same floor plan as we do, even the same length so we talked a lot about the different rigs. We also found common ground through talking about our families. These are great people and we hope to see them again some day out on the road. 
If you ever find you are parked in the same area as we are or if you are still in a sticks and bricks in an area we are traveling to let us know, we'd love to meet you.


  1. I agree - it was great! Now we just have to make sure our roads cross again!

  2. Hi...it was a great lunch! We had a super time. Now we just have to be sure our roads cross again!


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