
Super Moon Friday night in Tucson

Well our time in Tucson finally came to a close. Not without some fun and good byes. On Thursday we took Bill and Charlene, who are staying in Desert Trails next door and are also Excel owners, to Tiny’s to introduce them to the steer burger. It happened to also be St. Paddy’s day and true to John’s Irish heritage we made sure we were in green. We had so much fun we came back to the trailer and brought out the lawn chairs to continue the fun. Bill and Charlene are from the Farmington NM area and were a great addition to our little Excel owners group. They will be in Tucson for awhile yet and we wish them well. They came back over Saturday evening to say goodbye. 
Thursday is also the day a dove decided she was going to nest on our hitch. When we noticed it we moved it before they had much done hoping they would nest elsewhere but that was not to be. Friday morning the nest was back and now there were eggs in the nest.  This made me sad because we knew we have to move it.  So Sunday we thought when we hitched up she would take off and we could move it but this momma dove  did not want to move. She stayed on that nest while we got everything ready, even when we raised the rig to meet the truck and still on it when we actually hitched up. John finally went and put gloves on and had to shoo her off the nest and move the nest or she would have been coming down the road with us. In retrospect we should have put something on the hitch so she couldn’t nest there.
Dove on our hitch

Once hitched up we said our goodbyes to Ralph and Cheryl and John and Terri. It certainly was fun staying somewhere with other Excel owners. We learned lots of things and made new friends that we hope to see down the road.
Sunday we took off for Elephant Butte State Park in New Mexico. We have heard very good things about this park and I was looking forward to getting back to a park vs RV resort atmosphere. The challenge was staying ahead of the wind they were predicting. We drove to Deming on Sunday, the wind was fine. There is a stretch on I-10 that they warn you about the dust storms and remind you not to stop in the lanes even if it is zero visibility. Not a problem on Sunday. Today we headed out by 9am (early for us) and only had to drive about 100 miles. The wind was not too bad until just after we arrived. As we were setting up you could tell the big wind had finally arrived. Got here and set up just in time. Now we are sitting inside and the winds are about 30-40mph. The trailer is really rocking. I think this is the strongest sustained winds we have been in. Good thing it is sunny; this would be bad with rain. Winds are supposed to die down this evening and then it still might be breezy but not like today. 
This is a beautiful park and our site is awesome. Nice view of the lake and it was a pull-thru so we didn’t even have to go through the backing up drill. Nice to be on the road again, but we did love our stay at Justin’s Diamond J in Tucson and would recommend it to anyone staying in Tucson. We will get some photos tomorrow after the wind calms down.

Happy Tails...............


  1. Awww, poor mommy dove! I'm sure the babies will be fine when they hatch.
    I like your new background!

  2. Found your blog through Lee and Loralie's. We spent a month in Elephant Butte and loved the area. The people of T or C were really friendly and we were there during their "naming" celebration days.

  3. This fall we plan on being in this area. Thanks for all the tips and suggestions.

  4. Don't know if you are at South Monticello but we think it is much nicer than the main campground, although farther from town. One of our favorite places.

  5. I hate the wind! I would much rather deal with rain, snow, cold, name it. Glad you arrived before the wind got too bad. Driving in gusts can be scary and dangerous. Hope you enjoy your time in NM. We've never been to Elephant Butte but have heard good things about it. I'll be anxious to hear about your experiences.


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