Rillito Bike Trail

Ralph & Cheryl, John & Terri, Y & Rick,  John
I haven’t written much lately as we haven’t done much lately. I think we are resting up before we get on the move once again. Our plan is to leave this Sunday, however the wind may make us stay put an extra day. We have a stretch of I-10 to travel that is very susceptible to wind and dust and we want to travel safely so we will wait until this weekend to decide. We do have one of our Excel friends moving on tomorrow. Rick and Y are headed to Texas so tonight the Excel group met at Chillis’ for dinner to send them off. We wish them safe travels.
On Monday John and I dusted off the bikes and headed to one of the bike trails here in Tucson. We chose a parking area that was right across the street from a Trader Joe’s so we could double up with a grocery day. As you have all noticed the price of fuel has really jumped up in the last few weeks so we try to combine trips if we can. The last time we fueled up diesel was $3.45 a gallon. We paid over $200 and the tanks (we have 2) weren’t quite full. The best price we have seen this week is $3.85. Good thing we won’t need as much when we fill up prior to leaving.
Rillito River
The Rillito Bike Trail is about 11.5 miles long if it is completely open. We biked from Trader Joe’s to the east end of the trail which was about 5 miles so got in about a 10 mile ride. Since our behinds haven’t been on the bikes lately that was just enough without being too sore the next day. This is a very nice paved trail and you can tell it gets used a lot. It basically follows the Rillito River. Now for all our friends back in the Midwest I took a photo of the “river”. You can tell that water runs through here sometimes but it is completely dry now. Met a fellow who moved here from Minnesota that says he has been here when it floods. I’m sure he is right but it is kind of hard to picture right now.
I’ll leave you another spectacular sunset. They have been just amazing lately and now it is warm enough to just sit and watch the sun go down (don’t even need a jacket). The moon has been particularly bright lately too. Saturday night is suppose to be the full moon so I think I will set the tripod up with my long lens and see what kind of photos I can get.

Happy trails........................


  1. We've also been enjoying the beautiful sunsets lately. The stores around us are about 1.5 miles away. We ride our bikes to shop which saves gas and gives us exercise. Since we can't fit too much in my bag carrier, we just go more often which means more exercise, win-win.

    Have a safe trip as you head north.

  2. Nice sunset pictures. Sitting outside with no jacket sounds heavenly. I'm with Evelyn..price of diesel means riding or walking more often!

  3. Well we got our new bike rack and its mounted and the bikes on it. However, here at Joshua Tree we haven't had a reason to try taking the bikes off!! But I do think we will like the rack a lot better...thanks for the info! Gas here in Ca is over $4...and our big travels are about to begin. Poor timing. Safe travels to you!


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