The Great White North!

Winter is pretty slow, not a lot of traveling. However this weekend we took a little long weekend vacation. Now most people would head south for a break from the cold - and it has been ve-e-e-e-ry cold this winter but not us. No, we headed to the great white north. First we had to drop Mitch off at the airport in Minneapolis. He also is headed to the great white north but his destination is Northern Europe specifically -Norway. Now we hope he gets a little studying in along with all the sight seeing. For those of you on Facebook put in a friend request so you can follow his travels. Now for us, we went on from Minneapolis to Duluth to visit one of our hockey sons, Brady Hjelle. Brady plays for UMD and is a goalie. We had hoped to watch him play but he is having a bit of a rough patch and we got to see him on the bench. We did get to spend some time with him, reminding him not to let anyone steal his dream. Duluth, though very cold (-13 both nights) is a beautiful place. I was able to...