Winter Funk

For the first time since we began our fulltime RV journey, this winter I found myself in a not so great mental place. Unless you went to the SW this winter the weather in the rest of the US has been atrocious. Colder than usual and depending on where you are more rain and snow than usual. We don’t always pick the warmest spots for winter, we tend to pick more temperate areas. This year that strategy didn’t work. We have seen little of the sun here in the Florida panhandle until just this last week. I have never thought of myself as someone whose mental health is affected by the sun until this year. One of the joys of this lifestyle is being able to be outside and that is what makes living in our little trailer very workable. This winter we have had to spend so much time inside that I found myself wishing for more space and we even looked and almost bought a bigger unit at the Tampa RV show. The thing is I’m not sure that would have solved anything. Just recently I realized that wha...