A Summer of Baseball and Babysitting

Evie playing in the wadding pool Learning to dring from the hose. I haven’t blogged in some time. I kept telling myself to sit down and write but would then get distracted. I even have things to write about and sometimes on walks I would be thinking about those things. Well today we have off , it is too hot to be outside much and I finished my latest knitting project so I decided to write before I started anything new. It’s been a fun and crazy busy summer, but isn’t that what life is all about? We continue to spend as much time with our granddaughter as we can. A week ago we had her for a whole day and it was just about the perfect day. It’s the kind I wish I could bottle up and in the winter when I am missing her take it out and have that day again. We were staying in a new spot at the Coralville Reservoir in the Some of the fossils at Fossil Gorge Linder Point campground. This is one of the COE campgrounds near the West Overlook, and we were in a FHU s...