Growing older

I like this age! We are enjoying our summer in Iowa, time with friends , time with Evie, time with family. Pretty normal stuff going on. Today is my birthday so I thought I'd share a little about how I feel about growing older. I actually love it which I know may sound strange to some but I like where I am at in life. Here's a little list of what I like about growing older: My baby photo Janie 3-4 y/o 1. I've now out lived my mother by almost 20 years and I don't take that lightly. I think of all the amazing days I have had in those 20 years and it makes me sad that she missed those kind of days and thankful for each additional day I am blessed with. 2. I know what I don't know. Remember when you are young and you literally think you know everything? Well the years have taught me how little I know and it is now easy to admit I don't know anything about a lot of things. Even the things I do know, well there is probably a lot more I can learn ab...