Time for me to learn to drive this rig.

Trail at Squaw Creek park

Yesterday we moved back to Morgan Creek park (about a 15 mile drive) and I drove the rig! We have always said that I needed to start doing this but I never seem to do it. The first year I think John just felt he needed to get proficient at all the driving & parking things before he had me do it and then we just got lazy. It was just easier for him to do it. Recently friends of our that we met in Tucson, John and Terri had a very harrowing experience that reminded us why we both need to be able to drive this rig. John they think had a seizure while driving, luckily not towing but still it is amazing that they survived it. What this meant is that now Terri had to do the driving back to their former home town Sacramento and like me she had not done much driving. She did great and they are now coming off the road and starting a new phase of life. All of John's test look good so far and we wish him the best and hope that it was just a one time isolated incidence. (here is the link so you can read their story: The Slow Lane)

Their story just drove home the message that I need to do some of the driving so that if something happened to my John that I could get us where we are going. So yesterday I started that journey. The only thing I didn't do was back into the hitch. I tried but something didn't latch so I pulled out and let John do that part. I have to say that makes me the most nervous because it looks like you are going to hit the rig. I'll try that again next time. I did do the rest, drove is to the dump station, to Morgan Creek and with a lot of help from John got the rig parked (back in site).  All I could think when we finally were set up is , "I need a beer!" So I had one, relaxed and I'm ready to do it again. I think we will try to share some of the driving duties more from now on.

Hope all is week with everyone out there in blogland. I haven't been on the computer much lately but I try to check in on everyone when I do. The wedding is fast approaching and we are trying to get last minute things done. I'm looking forward to the wedding but John and I are also looking forward to getting back on the road. We are also looking at work camping opportunities for both this winter and next summer. Just put an app in on volunteer.gov for the Apostle Islands for next summer and we put one in for this winter for the Oregon state parks. Hope something materializes. 

Happy Trails................


  1. I keep telling Angela she needs to be able to do it all just incase.

  2. I definitely need to do more of the driving and parking and stuff also. But it's so much easier to let Jim. I know all about those wedding things needing to be done. Glad ours is behind us.

  3. Had to laugh at you having a beer after getting the rig backed in. Jim gets motion sick so doesn't like to be a passenger. I have to make him let me drive now and then just so I won't be petrified if I have to, like the time he had a gallbladder attack and I had to get us through Phoenix to the Mayo Clinic. I needed more than one beer after that!

  4. I want to make sure that I can drive...at least tow ours too. Once we are mobile & George gets skilled in backing in, etc, I will get practice too.

  5. You are so right.... and I used to drive the rig until a harrowing experience in San Antonio over 7 years ago scared the crap out of me. But... it's time to get back behind the wheel. Thanks for the reminder. Sounds like you're doing just fine... I hope I do as well.

  6. I followed your link to your friend's blog. Oh my goodness, that was really scary. Good for you for learning to drive your rig. We just never know when that skill may be needed.

  7. Good for you. I haven't driven ours yet. We go back and forth on whether I should learn. I really don't want to do it. Hope everything goes great for the wedding. Can't wait to see pictures.Good luck on the jobs!!

  8. I know this is something I also need to do and Terry and I talk about it. The think holding me back is the second vehicle we have and not having him in the truck with me when I'm pulling it (my security blanket). I practiced at the state fairgrounds in IN where we stayed last year but that is as far as it goes. It would present a problem if something happened to Terry so I know I need to pursue it. Good for you Janie and you have given me a little nudge so I had better get going! Good luck with the wedding.

  9. OMG Janie! We wouldn't leave the stick and brick without both of us knowing all aspects of driving and setting up inside and out. Donna used to do about 35-40 of the driving. Donna has driven through Chicago with construction and heavy traffic. She does better than me in many areas, however backing in tight areas is not her strength. It works for us cause I grew up backing horse trailer and the like. Since we got the Chase car she drives it most of the time. But we still feel good knowing she can take over anytime it's needed. We both wonder why so few women drive. Good luck and I'm proud of you. rockin'

  10. OMG Janie! We wouldn't leave the stick and brick without both of us knowing all aspects of driving and setting up inside and out. Donna used to do about 35-40 of the driving. Donna has driven through Chicago with construction and heavy traffic. She does better than me in many areas, however backing in tight areas is not her strength. It works for us cause I grew up backing horse trailer and the like. Since we got the Chase car she drives it most of the time. But we still feel good knowing she can take over anytime it's needed. We both wonder why so few women drive. Good luck and I'm proud of you. rockin'

  11. So happy to read that you got behind the wheel Janie. Thank you so much for spreading the word to your readers and anyone you meet about this important matter. Never would have imagined anything like this happening to my John but it did. Preparedness should apply to all RVers because one just never knows when something will go wrong or where. If I hadn't had the experience of driving the rig, a stressful situation would have been made even worse.

  12. So what about an update? Want to see that pic of you behind the wheel, girlfriend! rockin'


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