Captain's Log: Mission Control, Houston

Captain's Log: Mission Control, Houston If you remember anything from the 60's and 70's, you probably remember our space program was tasked with putting a man on the moon by then president Kennedy. That happened, of course, in 1969 when Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. Those missions and all the space missions prior to it and every mission since then including to the current International Space Station missions have all been handled by Mission Control in Houston, Texas. Since we were in the area, we decided to check it out. The first thing you notice when you get there is parking costs $6. When you actually get to the parking lot, there's a, no kidding, real space shuttle parked in the lot. At least they parked it in the back. The space shuttle, by the way, is huge with three monster engines poking out the back. Hard to believe they were able to piggy back it on another plane to transpo...