Captain's Log: Welcome to Honduras

Honduras, the Banana Coast I think most of us like to think we're positive people: we try to put a good spin on things and keep the whining to a minimum. Sometimes this might require that we gloss over the details or soldier on in silence. But what would happen if we were faced with real adversity, not just a bad hair day but the kind of soul crushing stuff that threatens your very existence. The kind of stuff that could kill you. Would it even matter if the glass was half full or half empty? Our tour guide for our bus trip to visit a farm in Honduras introduced himself as Oscar something, but claimed everyone has called him Smiley since he was just a little boy growing up in Cuba. He certainly seemed cheerful enough to be called Smiley. The bus was an old school bus from the States. It still had the school name on the side. Smiley was pointing out some of the local historical stuff (Christopher Columbus actually landed in Honduras on his fourth trip to the new world and th...