Kids and Critters

Not too much exciting happening here. The wedding plans are coming along and we continue to have time with family and friends. One of the fun things for us is getting to see the children of our niece and nephew. Both niece Autumn and her brother Jordan added children to their families just before we left last summer. So this year they are already approaching the one year mark. Autumn also has an almost 3 year old. Its fun to see them as parents and enjoy these little boys. Kolten John and Corbin Sleeping Corbin Kelvin in his very own bike helmet. We are Squaw Creek this week and it is hot! Seems like most of US is experiencing a real heat wave. My friend Mary in Colorado Springs has been texting photos of the fire there. The heat wave and drought are really having an impact and the wildfires rage on. I know the park we stayed at was evacuated last week. Mary says the are still ok where they are, I sure hope it stays that way. The heat kicked up some storm...