Home???? Part 2

I know I’ve been absent for awhile but being back in Iowa sure makes for busy days and the few days we’ve had to ourselves I just needed to be lazy. So what have we been up to? So far we have:
Gone to a retirement party,

attended a house warming party,
We helped Brenna celebrate her new home.

had a visit from friend Mary (the one we visited in Colorado Springs),
Janie, Trudy and Mary together again!

went to Melissa’s dress fitting,
A bride in the making

watched my nephew’s Triathalon,
Jordan the triathelete, love the helmet!

went to a Memorial Day get together,

helped Mike and Trudy get their 5th wheel ready for vacation,
John and Mike, hard at work

went to a couple ball games,
Go Kernels!

took Mitch out for his birthday,

doctor appointments,

dental appointments,

and finally, moved to Sugar Bottom Campground on the Coralville reservoir to spend 10 camping with our friends Gayle and John.

Whew, now I’m tired just looking back!
In the first days we arrived, like I mentioned previously in the blog it is a little like coming home. The streets are familiar, we don’t have to “find” the grocery store, our favorite restaurants are here, things are easy. On the other hand, as the days have gone by we find ourselves realizing that we really don’t belong here. Its just a funny feeling that where we really belong is “out there” on the road at all those campgrounds, RV parks and places we have yet to find. The only time we really feel at home is in the campgrounds and that is where we love to be. Since this is our second year out on the road perhaps that is why that feeling is so strong this year. We love seeing our family and friends and it is great to visit but it will be great to leave and get on the road again where we belong.
Speaking of getting on the road again, this year we are headed to the Northwest with a stop in the Black Hills and Custer State Park. Our destination is Bellingham, Washington to visit John’s brother. I think we will take I-90 most of the way but when we get to Spokane we are going to take US-2 and Route 20 through the Northern Cascade National Park. If any of you have any suggestions of places to stay along the way or sites to see I hope you’ll share them with us. We are going to be at Custer State Park August 8-15th, after that it just depends on where we find we want to stay. I may need to make reservations for at least Labor Day weekend and maybe for most of those last weeks of August as that is such a busy time in campgrounds. 
I hope you all are having a wonderful summer, I have been remiss is reading blogs lately too but I hope to catch up on everyone’s adventures soon.
Happy Trails....................................


  1. Sounds like you're having a good time catching up with everyone. Beautiful dress on a beautiful girl. I know what you mean about not really being at home anymore. We feel the same way. We've discovered that people's lives go on while we're gone. In some cases it's nice to see them again, but it's not the same. Weird!

  2. You guys are having such a good time with family. I know what you mean, though. Life goes on without us!

  3. looks like you need a vacation...

  4. About where we are "at home", You said it so perfectly... We SO relate! We come back to what WAS home a couple times a year, and we see some family and friends, we check on our house... but we are always anxious to leave. We feel our "belonging" in campgrounds and RV parks, on the road with fellow RVers. Our best friends now are fellow RVers.
    So are you not coming through the Portland, Oregon area on your way to Bellingham??

  5. No wonder you haven't had much time for blogging. Those family activities look like fun and glad to see everyone having so much fun. It's always great to go 'home'.


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