The desert is getting ready to bloom

Sunset over Tucson
The Octillo are getting leaves and blooms.
This week we hiked in Saguaro National Park Western Division and we are beginning to see buds and a few blooms.  Its not quite time yet but it won't be long.  Previous years we have left before the blooms so I am excited to see it. The rains this year are making for an earlier bloom than usual. The month of February saw quite a few rainy days (for the desert) and the temps were below normal much of the month. However, for the next 10 days the predicted temps will be about 10 degrees above normal (normal is around 70). Just finished another walk and the temp is around 80+ with just enough breeze to keep you cool. Love it.

First little blooms

Our friends John and Sharon Hinton were in the park for about 10 days. It was great to spend some time with them. I am always sad to see them leave but I know our paths will cross again down the road.

Tailing from an old mine
Since there really isn't too much to write about on the RV front. John is an avid reader and I love to read too but I also love to knit and I haven't figured out how to knit and read at the same time so I listen to both books and podcasts. Two of the podcasts I listen to are about books. They are both part of Book Riot. One is on new releases called "All the Books" and the other "Get Booked" which is about personalized book recommendations. Through these podcasts I found two of the best audio books I have listened to. 
From the trail towards Kit Peak

If you look very closely, on the right from the tallest peak
 you can see the dome of one of the telescopes of the Kit Peak Observatory

So I thought I would do a review of these two books. The first is "The Clancy's of Queens" by Tara Clancy. This is a laugh out loud memoir that is narrated by the author whose accent and sense of humor make this book. She has an odd upbringing by divorced parents, a father who is cop and very poor and a mother who works and lives with a very wealthy man so the worlds could not be more different. I think the thing I liked the most was how she adapted and loved both sides  and both parents. I really don't want to say too much and ruin any of the fun.  

The second book is for anyone who loves the book or movie "The Princess Bride". The book is written and narrated by Cary Elweys and is titled "As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride" The stories are so much fun and he brings in others in the movie tell their stories which really makes it fun. The stories about Andre the Giant are some of the best and if you love this movie like my family does I think this book is a must and so entertaining in the audio version. 

I do have one more book for all you oldsters out there. Dick Van Dyke's "Keep Moving: And Other Tips and Truths About Aging". He also narrates it and its just an uplifting and enjoyable journey with him. He was 89 when he wrote it so I think he has some expertise in the area. 

All three of these books are enjoyable enough that listening to them a second time would be a delight and since I know John will enjoy these too, we have decided they will be what we listen to as we work our way back to Iowa next month. So I hope you check these out and for my RV friends you may want to do as we will be and make them your road companions.
The trail......and a happy one :)

Happy Trails.....


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