What's in my tote?

We are starting week number 6 and it is getting a little better. The feet are better than they were and now that we are back to 10 hour shifts it seems easier. One of the most fascinating things about working for Amazon is finding out what all is available and what people order from them. As pickers we go around the warehouse finding various items that have been ordered and putting them in a tote to be sent on to the sorters and packers. The things I pick are usually for different orders which is good to know because sometimes I would hate to think that tote is going to the same person. Some of them are strange combinations.
So what is in my tote? Well it may be groceries, like soups, tomatoes, pasta sauce, noodles, dried mushrooms, lots of coffees and teas, basically any grocery item that is dried or canned, and I pick a lot of them. Next toys, Legos, Kinex, Plan, tons of toys from a company called Melissa and Doug, video games, and then there are adult toys many of which I don’t care to list. The first time I came across a sex toy called the Latin King, it was definitely an education for me - can they really be that big? John enjoys picking all the costumes for women, like a naughty nurse, girl scout, dream girl, sexy pirate, and others, but you get the drift. Clothes from Bebe, Lacoste, Calvin Cline, Nike, Columbia, Asics, Puma,and about any other brand name you can think of. Next is books, cds, and DVDs, there are whole floors dedicated to these. Everyone says that paper books are on the way out but you wouldn’t know it from this warehouse. Electronics is next, all kinds of portable devises from laptops to GPS to game systems. All of the extra things needed for our electronics too, cables, hardware, software, peripherals. I do believe after doing this job if there is something you want Amazon has it. They don’t discriminate either. I find things that would interest Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Feminists, Racists, and any other group you can think of. I think Amazon is the example of free market economy - if you want it and have the money you can order it from Amazon.
So this week what was the strangest tote I had? A case of Campbell’s Soup at Hand, 2 large boxes of condoms, a wooden toddlers puzzle, a Battlefield 3 video game, an Angry Bird stuffed animal, and a lego Star Wars set. Now aren’t you glad I told you those are probably for different orders?
I’ve been trying to keep up on my blog reading but some days I’m just too exhausted. Other days I read about all the places you are at so I can remember the light at the end of the tunnel and that soon we will be out there too. Until later.
Happy Trails................................


  1. That's really interesting to know about. I had no idea Amazon had all that stuff. Don't think I'll be needing any cases of condoms though. :(

  2. You kind of opened my eyes about Amazon. I searched sex and could not believe it. Wow!

  3. we thought about doing the amazon gig but we weren't ready to work yet... it is fun to read about your journey...

  4. Just think of all the money you are making..it's almost over!

  5. Interesting. I know we buy a lot form Amazon, especially this month, we are doing a free shipping trial of the Prime account.

  6. We were visiting with Rick and Y when they read us your most recent post. Well, inquiring minds had us checking out the Latin King 😳. Who knew Amazon carried such things! Glad your work stint is almost over and you will be able to get back on the road.

  7. It's really amazing to see how fast Internet shopping has grown. Your tote box list sure shows the variety of goods available.

  8. You are on the downhill slide now. So glad to hear that you are back to 10 hr days. Take care and look forward to hear where you are heading next. We are having winter in NM, not exactly what we had planned, but oh well!

  9. Interesting post! It must be very educational seeing what folks order. Take good care of yourself.

  10. Hi guys!

    I start my full-time adventure next year and have already planned on doing some seasonal work during the holidays. Do you mind e-mailing me specifics as far as take-home pay, RV space, etc? I'm single, and I wonder if this might be worthwhile...


  11. So nice to know that the end is almost here. So neat to hear about all the weird and wonderful things that people will order, some are just too funny!

    I know what you mean about reading blogs, I am so far behind I don't think I will every be able to catch up.

    Kevin and Ruth


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