Off the Beaten Path

Photo from the pier in Port O'Connor

I think the title is a good description of Port O’Connor, where we will be for the month of January. We arrived Monday and the weather was a little cool with a brisk wind but Tuesday was warmer and today is just about perfect. I choose this place because I was looking for somewhere that was a little quieter but nice and I found this spot on It was given very good reviews and looked like it fit the bill for what we wanted. Speaking of bills, the price was right too: $250 + electric for the month. 

Port O’Connor is really a little fishing village and this time of year there isn’t much fishing, though it is duck season and that has brought some hunters to the area. The town is an interesting mix of houses that have seen better days and very high end homes particularly on the shore line. There is a post office but no delivery so we will be getting our mail general delivery. One large gas station/ convenience store, a couple restaurants and a few bar/bait shops. That is really about it. It has a very laid back feel and we can bike or walk just about anywhere we want to go.

The pool and hot tub

The Port O’Connor RV park is very clean and well kept. They have a great wi-fi, a small pool and spa and a small laundromat. They have a connection for satellite TV but that is awful and we found we could get stations from the Houston, Victoria, and Austin area on the antenna with a much better picture. Cell service is marginal; a Verizon extended network 1X with a couple of bars. I called my son last night and it kept dropping me so I went to email instead.
The office and laundry room and a rally room.
Already we have found ourselves relaxing and enjoying it. It may not be a place I would want to stay all winter but I think a month will be great. We do have a couple of excursions planned too. John has a college friend near Houston so I think we will head there for a weekend. We will probably drive to Rockport and Port Aransas too just to check it out. I know a lot of RVers choose that location for the winter.
A heron enjoying a marshy area on the gulf shore.

I’m so relaxed I can’t think of a single thing more to write. Ahhhhhh....
Happy Trails........................


  1. That looks like our kind of place and have made a note of it. We wait to hear more about the area.

  2. Looks like a very nice place, and the price is definitely right! Enjoy your time relaxing!

  3. You do sound relaxed! Seems like a good place to park for the month..

  4. Janie...I am so glad to see both of you finally getting a well deserved rest! Enjoy your time in Tx!

  5. Janie..It is good to see the two of you finally getting a chance to relax!
    Enjoy your time in Texas.

  6. Janie...I am glad to see the two of you finally enjoying some well deserved relaxation time! Enjoy Texas this month!

  7. Ah relaxation, such a beautiful thing! Enjoy your time in the sun.

  8. Looks to me like a great place to hang out and relax for a month or so.

  9. Looks like a great place and the price sure is reasonable. Enjoy!

  10. Do you know Pat and Larry (excel owners)? They are in Port Aransas for the winter.

  11. Sounds like a great little spot. What a good deal at $250+ electricity for a month. That's sounds like Mexico pricing.

    Kevin and Ruth

  12. Loralie, haven't met them yet. We do hope to get that way sometime this month.


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