BLM land

Many RVers already know this, but for others BLM is the Bureau of Land Management and the land they manage is our land. We all own this land if we are citizens of the USA. This is public land and we can camp there for  $0. Isn’t that cool. Out west there are lots of areas of BLM land. We needed a place to stop between Pahrump and Tucson so decided to stop at some of the BLM land north of Quartzite, Arizona. Now we weren’t sure where to stop but we ended up in the LTVA Plomosa. Now I think you are suppose to register for this area but we just went ahead and found a spot and stopped there. No one checked and we were out early in the morning so I think were ok. It is our land after all.

It was a beautiful evening when we got there so we found a spot. It was  fairly level so we put down the pads, got out the grill. I cooked up some burgers, we started a fire and had a beautiful evening under the desert sky. It is hard to describe how beautiful that is, I hope that each of you get to experience it someday. 

We got up this morning and headed to Tucson. John’s back is bothering him again so we were glad to arrive. He made a perfect margarita and we sat back to soak up the Tucson sun. Already we have met 3 other Excel owners, this is going to be a great spot. So until then.

Happy Trails............


  1. I long to boondock in the desert. It's a distant dream right now. Love your stories and pictures.

    Hope John's back feels better. Not much fun cycling with a bad back.


  2. Some BLM areas do charge to camp -- some developed campgrouands and all LTVAs. However, I think Plomosa road is one of the short term areas where they want you to register, but does not charge. The volenteer host is only open short hours to register, something like 9am-noon.

  3. Hi! We thought we passed you yesterday on I 10 near Casa Grande. But I guess if you were going to Tucson from Yuma you maybe weren't that far north. But we were SO excited to see an Excel and then when I looked out the window, I thought it looked like you two. Of course I'm just guessing from your blog pictures. We were driving in the truck to Casa Grande to visit friends. So you have tried you have a generator?


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