Ferndale & Eureka CA

Downtown Ferndale

Today we got out and about fairly early. We both went to bed early after all our adventures yesterday so were up a little earlier than usual (especially for me - I am not a morning person). Since it is Superbowl Sunday we decided to a little exploring early in the day so we could relax and watch the game later.
One of the Victorian homes in Ferndale

Lost Coast Cafe and Bakery
my warm scone, mmmmmm
First up, Ferndale, which is only about 5 miles from here. It is a town that basks in the architecture of the Victorian age and has made a tourist destination out of its houses and shops. It is a nice little town and was very quiet today. Many shops weren’t open today; looks like several of them take a winter break about now. We did wander through the few stores that were open and stopped at a delightful little cafe, the Lost Coast Cafe and Bakery. The owner was friendly and had just brought out a fresh batch of lemon-orange scones. Oh my what a treat. We shared one and as we took off pieces it was still steaming. It may be the best scone I have ever had. I rarely take a photo of my food but I was so enamored, I did. :)

Since shopping was limited today we decided to drive to Eureka for lunch. The Lost Coast Brewery is there. I have been enjoying their Downtown Brown for awhile now and the pub gets good reviews on its food so off we went.  Well, as promised it was a good food and and beer. We drove a little and walked along the area by the Marina. Like Ferndale, there is a definite Victorian influence in this town. I had to take a photo of the Ingomar Club/ Carson Mansion. This is an amazing building. I looked up the Ingomar club. It was first a men’s private club for the business movers and shakers in the area, only admitting woman in the recent past (can’t remember the year). There have been some controversy with a lawsuit for sexual harassment in the last few years. 
Ingomar Club
At the marina there was a group of kayakers getting ready to go out. They were all in wetsuits. Good idea. Though it is not raining today it was fairly overcast, which I think is pretty normal for here.

It was a nice little trip but now we are back at the rig and sitting back to join lots of other Americans watching the game. We are not big football fans but most years we do watch this game. So whichever team you are cheering for I hope they win.
Watching the big Game.

Happy Trails..............................


  1. We loved the buildings in Ferndale when we were there. But we missed the hot scone. Sounds so good.

  2. nope... my team did not win. But at least they made it to the Super Bowl again. Glad youre having a good time on the road together again.

  3. The buildings in the two towns look lovely, especially the Ingomar Club building, it is gorgeous.

    Kevin and Ruth

  4. We visited both these towns as well and loved the Victorian architecture.

  5. I don't remember being in Ferndale ever. Have to stop there sometime. We had a good time watching the game in the clubhouse, as they had a party with lots of food. Was a good game.


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