Ready to start

Yesterday we drove from Eugene to Carl G. Washburne State Park just a little north of Florence, Oregon. This is where we will be staying as we volunteer at the Heceta Head Lighthouse. Tomorrow is our orientation and we have a lot of reading to do tonight to get ready.  Once again we are without cell signal but now we are pros at handling that. Our post will probably sporadic this month but stay tuned. This Lighthouse has recently been renovated and looks spectacular.
Heceta Head Lighthouse, from internet

Our next trip in town I'll tell you all about it, until then.....
Happy Trails................


  1. You take no internet a lot better than I do. :)

  2. the lighthouse had a drape over it last summer when we drove by there... look forward to your pics of it undraped...

  3. Anxious to hear about your job there. Love lighthouses!

  4. Looking forward to future posts. The lighthouse was shrouded when we were there unfortunately.

  5. Love that lighthouse photo. Good luck with your orientation.


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