Allergies and Beer

I come from the land of allergies. Iowa is a high pollen count state and ragweed runs rampant but I never had much trouble. A little stuffiness in the spring and that was about it. People in Iowa move to the SW because of their allergies. But me? No, I waited until I got here to experience these demons. Now it is not as bad as many of my friends back in Iowa but what the heck, why do I have to be weird?  It seems there is at least one part of every day I find myself sneezing and stuffy, luckily it is not all day. John says I am just allergic to no work and warm weather. I don’t think soooooo. 
London Bridge in Lake Havasu City
Visited Lake Havasu City today. We found a great microbrewery right by the London Bridge. It was actually an accidental find as we were just looking for a place to park near the bridge. It was lunch time and what better place to have lunch than where they brew their own beer. Now John loves all kinds of crafted brews and he had drug me on board but I am a little pickier than he is. I like ambers, pale ales, and recently I have discovered the brown beers. John likes them all but has a leaning towards stouts. So with our sandwich and soup combos he had their stout and I had their seasonal Pirate John’s Nut Brown Ale. I kind of liked the name too. Can’t you just picture John as a pirate. (rofl) This was a good beer. So good I talked John (or maybe he talked me) into buying a growler to go. So here we sit with our chips and Pirate John’s Nut Brown Ale. It is a good night.
One more find in Lake Havasu City. I have been jealous of John’s new hat; petty I know but I’m a girl and I like hats. Well, in a gift shop I found a new hat! It cost half of what John’s did so I figure I can get one more hat and that will about even it up. I’ll get a photo with it soon; too busy drinking this fine beer right now.
Happy trails............


  1. Aarrrggggh ahoy matey. Nothin like a good pirate speak whilst drinking a good beer :)

    Try over the counter Claritin for your for me with no side effects.


  2. Nothing better than unexpected finds...and good beer too! What a combination!

  3. You guys sound like a hoot...thank you for your kind words on our blog. We have to meet up with you guys on our travels. Thanks for the giggles.


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