Blogs, Bloggers and followers

Cave Creek campground from the Clay Mine trail
We got into the relax and do nothing mode yesterday so thought I'd blog about something that has been on my mind. Every morning I log onto the internet to read blogs. When we first discovered this lifestyle of full time RVing it was through Howard and Linda Payne's site It was totally a revelation that people lived this way. Through their site and journal I began to find the blogs of others. Some of those were full-time RVers already, others we like us and considering the lifestyle, others were working toward the day they could full time and others were snow birds who have both a sticks and bricks home as well as traveling. Within all those groups the diversity is amazing. Couples who are retired, couples who are working out of their RVs or volunteering for a site,  single men and woman, families, same sex couples, all of whom we have gotten to know from their blogs and whom we appreciate very much.  When we started to get ready for this journey it was these men and woman and their insights that kept us going. We needed their wisdom as we went along. Now I look to them for places I want to visit and the still the knowledge of this lifestyle as we follow our dreams. The more you read the more you get to know these people and as time goes by they become friends even though you have never met face to face. As we continue to travel we are beginning to actually meet them face to face as well. When you do it is often like getting together with an old friend you haven't seen in awhile, the familiarity is already there. On the left side bar of this blog (like many others) you will find a list of blogs we follow. The list is longer than what shows and changes day to day as those people update their blogs.  It is through lists like these that I have found many of my favorite blogs and about once a week when I am out cruising the web, I will someone else's list to find new blogs. I am sure it is going to be a never ending process. So I hope along the way others will use our list to tune into some of our cyber-friends and their writings.

As for followers that is just an amazement to me. I expected it to be a small group of family and friends from back home and that was it. Well, thank you to the family and friends who do check in on us because we miss you all. Most of our followers however are fellow bloggers who like us are always out meeting and learning from each other. The group has grown over the last year and I want to thank each of you and my greatest hope is that we will meet you all out on the road. We do have others we know who are "followers" but are not on our little list, thank you also for stopping by and sharing in our travels. To all of you thank you and..

Happy trails........................


  1. Thanks and thanks! I thought it was kinda silly to start a blog before we actually hit the road, and although we are still a year or more from doing so, the preparation is good to blog about. I draw inspiration from those of you that blog about full-timing. It helps to read about the adventures and keeps the light at the end of the tunnel from going out.

  2. great post today..very insightful!..our blog is our journey to the dream!

  3. Hi all. I totally agree with your blog. I also started with RV-Dreams and read every word and then began to find others. Now I'm always interested to find out where everyone is and where they are headed. Hopeing to meet up on the road and put faces to words.
    I never know where to answer questions from my here it is...our rig is a 2006 and the shades are just beginning to have problems.

  4. You are exactly right on this blog thing. I too felt funny starting it more then a year and a half before we take off but I am so glad I did. By the way, we are heading to Phoenix area for two weeks in December and we are looking at the Roadrunner RV park in Scottsdale. Our youngest daughter lives in Phoenix so we are going to have Christmas with her this year.

  5. We love RV blogs. You are so right about making friends and learning from the people that know best.

    Travel Safe


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